Our Services
Life Horoscope -Life Horoscope (www.lifehoroscope.in) is one of the leading website portals to deliver accurate detailed horoscope reports which includes Rasi Chart, Navamsa, Dasamsa, Shadd Bala, Asta Vargam Score, Star prediction, Dasa Prediction, Bukthi Predictions, General Character Predictions, Planetary Position Predictions, Prediction of all yogas found in the horoscope and various suggestions and remedies and solutions pertaining to various aspects of People’s Life, Including Finance, Career, Relationships, Health, Marriage, Business, Travel, Child Birth, Dosham and Yogam, Overseas Opportunity and Luck. Irrespective of what you want to know about your future, you will get the most dependable help at Life horoscope. We have quick services like Recorded Voice Clip services with the help of Junior Astrologers apart from Shanker Narrayan’s consultation. These voice clip services includes questions related to Business & Career, Wealth & Finance, Child Birth, Onsite Opportunity, Marriage Matching Delivery Date Fixing, etc etc. We strongly believe that the exceptional horoscope predictions related services we deliver based on the pure Vedic scriptures helps us to create an unbreakable and trustable bond with our clients that stimulates them to adopt our services.
About Us
Astrologer Shanker Narrayan with over more than 20 years of vast experience in the field of Astrology, Numerology and Vaastu. He is a higly reputed astrologer based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. He owns a YouTube Channel named LIFE HOROSCOPE with nearly 1 Million Subscribers. He is well known for his Monthly Predictions, Transit Predictions and teaching astrology for free via his YouTube channel LIFE HOROSCOPE. Shanker Narrayan is famous for his personalized consultation and accurate predictions. He offers wide range of services including Horoscope Reading, Gemology, Numerolgy and Vaastu Consultation.

Shanker Narrayan
Our Products
lifehoroscope.in is one of the leading website portals designed to deliver accurate horoscope general predictions ,Rasi Chart, Navamsa, Dasamsa, Shadd Bala, Asta Vargam Score, Star prediction, Dasa Prediction, Bukthi Predictions, General Character Predictions, Planetary Position Predictions, Prediction of all yogas found in the horoscope and various suggestions and remedies