Jupiter and Saturn are the considered as slowest moving planets in Astrology. Jupiter transits through a sign approximately once per year, while Saturn takes approximately 2 ½ years. Read More
According to Astrology, Jupiter Transit Predictions is considered as the most naturally beneficial planet and it is associated with spirituality, career growth, success, achievements, prosperity, good luck and fortune of every individual.
On May 14, 2025, Jupiter transits from Taurus to Gemini. For each sign, the effect will be different.. Jupiter will remain in Gemini until October 19, 2025 at 12.57 PM.
In 2025, Saturn will transit in the Pisces sign from March 29, 2025 at 22.07. Saturn will remain in Pisces until June 3, 2027. This significant transit marks the end of the Sade Sati for Capricorn and beginning for Aries. During its time in Pisces, Saturn will influence various zodiac signs, bringing opportunities for financial gains, strengthening relationships, particularly for Aries, Leo and Libra natives. Saturn will also enter a retrograde phase on July 13, 2025 before resuming direct motion on November 28, 2025. Read Less
The Double Transit Predictions recorded Audio Clip (2 voice clips for each transit) for your questions and the predictions are not computer generated. It is a live voice recording by Junior Astrologer (As per the guidance from Astrologer Shanker Narrayan Sir) to your questions and the same will be sent via email.
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